WoWsers!  2014 is starting out with a BANG!

First, we got an outstanding turnout to the 1st & 2nd of 2014’s 1st Saturday of the Month “Fly-In” Brunch’s. NFC’s J-Team (Jenny, Joyce & Jim) took on the first of 2014’s 12… & then Don, Mike & Joan took on February. They did a great job, with especially boffo turnouts. Thanks to the Chefs & thanks to everyone that came out to support these excellent monthly get-togethers.  Thank you! 

Next, we’ve got Brian Andrews, Art & Lois Gast, endorsing our MiD-Month-Mid-Week-Hump-Day-Brunch. Another Winner! January’s edition was outstanding. Thanks to the Chef(s) du Hump-Day and to everyone coming out for some excellent Hangar Flying! 

January’s General Meeting was a GOODIE. Where shall we start? Let’s see… we got the welcome go-ahead NOD to get some more comfortable chairs for the NFC’s new EGTIHF. (Esplendito Grande Table of Increadulous Hangar Flying) We also got to welcome 3 brand spanking new club members; Jonathan Griffin, Bill Manuel & Das Jayawickreme. Hey, we’re also gonna get to see our favourite electric airplane aviator; John McClintock around the NFC again.

Let’s see now… Walter Binder, Dan La Rose & Garry Whittaker jumped in early this year, when they successfully out-hustled other contenders to volunteer for the NFC Bursary. These 3 now comprise the NFC’s 2014 Scholarship Committee.

walter binder

dan larose

garry whittaker

January’s GM was a relative cake-walk compared to some in 2013. I welcomed the relaxed and convivial atmosphere. Ooops…in my warm fuzzy recollection of January’s drama free meeting, I almost forgot to mention, we had several visitors joining us! (thanks folks, for coming out & visiting with us) Then, post meeting, it was time for Sunday Clubhouse BBQ EATS, I always like that part of the General Meetings. Lots of laughs & lots of food. burrrrrp!

januarygm 065 - Copy (Copy)At least part of the draw for NFC Members & Visitors for January’s GM was 442 Squardon Comox SAR, scheduled to provide a presentation after the GM Brunch.

Capt Andrew Doepner of 442 Squadron spear-headed an excellent, interactive & most informative presentation on who, what, where why and how.

They’ve got lots on the horizon coming up. Check it out. A Pasta, Pool & Poker Night. February’s General Meeting has a ReCurrency Seminar happening after the Meeting. Then of course, is the very 1st of 4 fly-outs to Vargas Island is coming up near the end of this month.

januarygm 023 (Copy)Later on at this Spring at the NFC

Beside the usual goodies, come on out and help celebrate the NFC’s 68th Anniversary at: Mad Hatter 68th Anniversary Dinner.

March 2014 also sees #2 of 4 “fly-outs” to Vargas Island. Beach BBQ. Always fun!

Doug Wakefield remids us in his unique way  that April at the NFC blasts out of the gate with a Hangar Flea & Fly Market. Sell all your un-needed hangar treasures. This one runs Saturday & Sunday, the same weekend as our 1st Saturday of the Month Brunch, so we’ll have lots of traffic. Sell your own stuff and keep the cash, OR donate all your stuff and the NFC will sell it/keep the proceeds. An excellent NFC fundraiser, & you get a tidy hangar. So go ahead and do it like Doug says…

Be there or be square… Tailwinds for Everyone!

Current 100LL Pricing


NFC Members pay $2.25/litre

Non-members pay $2.50/litre

Up & Coming at the NFC

Our General Meetings are held at the Clubhouse on the third Sunday of the month at 1000. GMs are not held in July, August and December. Please see the Calendar tab for exceptions and other important dates

Up & Coming Elsewhere

Please see Calendar page

Monthly ‘Fly-In’ Brunch

Our "Inter Flying Club Brunch" held the 1st Saturday of each month, all pilots & guests are invited to join-in!        more...

NFC General Meetings

"3rd Sunday" of every month. COPA 'Flight 91' also meets at this time. Both are open to all pilots & Guests.     more...

NFC Clubhouse Events

We are social aviators and we regularly "organize" clubhouse and flying events.       more...

NFC Truancy Squadron

It's a nice day, you're thinking of skipping 'whatever is is' and go flying instead?       more...

NFC eNotifications

NFC news or announcements now available direct to you by email. Select your "choice" of which 'eNotifications' are sent.

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