NFC’s New Membership Pre-Pay your 100LL Fuel Option

Good News! NFC’s 2013 executive have introduced a new optional method for NFC Members to save on the cost of 100LL.  Here’s the deal…

Credit card fees add a significant portion to the cost of dispensing 100LL fuel at the NFC.

NFC Members now have the option to eliminate credit card fees entirely, by requesting a NFC Fuel Card.

1) Pre-pay your fuel account by ANY amount you want.

1) Get a NFC fuel debit card. Pre-pay your fuel account by ANY amount you want.

2) Use this card as you would any other, at the NFC’s 100LL fuel terminal kiosk.

3) Your account is automatically reloaded as many times/any amounts you want.

That’s it! Simple stuff. You save another $.03/litre and the NFC saves ~$.015/litre. Eliminate credit card processing fees entirely! It’s not much… 5 bucks here and there…  but it all adds up over the course of a year!

If you are a NFC Member in good standing, and you are interested in this NFC payment option; start the ball rolling by letting us know here:          request a nfc fuel card

NFC Members enjoy a savings of ~$1.00/US gallon on 100LL. Check out your potential savings on this US gallon table: (comparing NFC to local area average 100LL pricing)

NFC Memberships are only $120 per year. Check out NFC Membership benefits here:

nfc membership 2013

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Current 100LL Pricing


NFC Members pay $2.35/litre

Non-members pay $2.55/litre

NFC’s Fuel Watch Pireps

All pilots appreciate your help keeping our fuel watch listings accurate. Thank You!

 update fuel watch here