100 feet on the far side of Quebec.Bob left for Quebec and Dubai Friday – He reports that this plane flew into a small airport just across the fence into New Brunswick in 1967 or there abouts and hasn’t flown out.  The plane is intact

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Current 100LL Pricing

NFC Members pay $2.35/litre

Non-member price $2.50/litre

Monthly ‘Fly-In’ Brunch

Our "Inter Flying Club Brunch" held the 1st Saturday of each month, all pilots & guests are invited to join-in!        more...

NFC General Meetings

"3rd Sunday" of every month. COPA 'Flight 91' also meets at this time. Both are open to all pilots & Guests.     more...

NFC Clubhouse Events

We are social aviators and we regularly "organize" clubhouse and flying events.       more...

NFC Truancy Squadron

It's a nice day, you're thinking of skipping 'whatever is is' and go flying instead?       more...

NFC eNotifications

NFC news or announcements now available direct to you by email. Select your "choice" of which 'eNotifications' are sent.

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