NFC Rental Aircraft RampCheck Checklist

Required Items Checklist:

Pilots Licence/Booklet

Medical Currency

Certificate of Airworthiness

Certificate of Registration

Journey Logbook

Proof of Insurace

A/C Flight Manual

Weight & Balance

Aircraft Checklists

Compass Swing Correction


First-Aid Kit

Fire Extinguisher


Seat Belts

Shoulder Harness

Load/Cargo Net

Required for Day VFR:


Airspeed Indicator



Oil Pressure Guage

Oil Temperature Guage

Fuel Quantity Guage

Required for Night VFR:

all above plus


Attitude Indicator

Turn Co-Ordinator or

Turn & Bank Indicator

Vertical Speed Indicator

Outside Air Temperature

Current Navigation Charts

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Current 100LL Pricing


NFC Members pay $2.35/litre

Non-members pay $2.55/litre

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 ramp check readiness

 cessna 172m poh