Girl Guide Aviation Merit Badges
Girl Guides are regular visitors to the NFC. The last group (November 21, 2012) of Girl Guides with four mothers and their leader came to NFC for their aviation badge.
NFC’s Doug Sowden provided a mini-ground school and did a grand job telling them about airplanes and flying: forces, aircraft types, and parts, and had a little quiz to help them remember what they’d learned. Most of the girls really enjoyed the classroom part (there’s always one or two…) and all of the adults did.
Afterwards they were escorted to Nanaimo FSS, who kindly provided an informative tour for the girls, explain the service NavCan provides, and talk about what the the flight service specialists do at the nanaimo Airport.
As you can see, they were very happy with the event and no doubt enjoyed making the (large) thank you card, too!